
Behind The Visuals: Complex Construction Cases

Why Your Case Is Safe in Our Hands

As a juror, this is the last thing you want to hear: the structural slab is 25’ thick, aggregate 6-8’, pea gravel used to backfill 2-4”, there was a double mat rebar built on top of the bedrock, and faulty Bay Mud.

I enjoy being told about a compelling hotel construction story as much as the next guy. Honestly, if you tell me about dimensions of structural grounding, then I’m already thinking about what I’ll be having for lunch.

Unfortunately, on construction defect cases, there’s a lot of valuable technical information that needs to be communicated. The information can be complex and confusing.

There is hope! To assist with witness testimony, opening and closing statements, and everything else involved in construction litigation, there is one strategy that time, and time again holds attention and more clearly conveys your story… ANIMATION!

A forensic animation is the use of full motion graphics to recreate an event by computerized animation to display as a video. The same software used to create feature films such as Star Wars or Avengers is also used to create accurate and detailed animations which are admissible in court.

DK Global is the expert when it comes to creating animations using physically accurate simulation to provide the movement of objects based on technical data.

For example, an infrastructure collapsing onto a construction worker. Our reconstruction experts begin by collecting all the necessary data such as the terrain geometry, lighting conditions, location specifications, surrounding elements, friction factors, character likeness, placement of key objects, etc.

Our animators then have the option to manually animate the results of the simulation based off of the data to the level of realism desired by the client. Any movement of an object, vehicle, or persons is hand animated. We create physically accurate lighting conditions constructed from information received. It is important to understand that the movement of objects is calculated based on dynamics and physically accurate mathematical equations.

The complex construction jargon, challenges of communicating technical case material to a jury, the stress from not implementing a powerful exhibit SOLVED! 3D animation is changing construction law in the courtroom.

Bring a hotel, apartment building, or even a city block to life! Animation places the viewer at the point of damage. See the full picture, watch the damage come into view with custom graphics describing the story on screen, to win your case!

3D animation has been used in all practices of construction law: defect, insurance, design. These types of demonstratives can even be implemented in alternative dispute resolutions such as arbitration, mediation, and structured negotiations.

Written by: Cameron Thies Senior Visual Consultant
Aaron Birk
Alex Deaconson
Brianna Staples
Cameron Thies
Courtney Bowers
Hagen Gilbert
Heather Texter
Irma Hawkins
Michael Caldwell
Nika Hogue
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